Let’s mark the end of the European Week Against Cancer by assessing advancements and discussing the road ahead for tobacco control in Europe.  

World No Tobacco Day: How will Europe Achieve its First Tobacco Free Generation?  

31 May 2024 | 10:30 – 12:00 CET | Online 

Causing 8 million lives to be lost to cancer annually, it is time to address the pervasive impact of tobacco consumption and nicotine addiction. Join us to explore the evolving landscape of tobacco control as we navigate through legislative challenges and industry-driven ‘harm reduction’ approaches. To mark World No Tobacco Day and close the European Week Against Cancer, ECL’s Prevention and Early Detection (P&ED) Working Group will assess the advancements and discuss the challenges that lie ahead for Europe in the realm of regulation within the domain of tobacco control. By bringing together experts, policymakers, and stakeholders, we aim to foster a collaborative dialogue and shape the future trajectory of our collective efforts for effective tobacco control, ensuring the well-being of our communities and future generations.


IMPORTANT: Those who have any affiliation with tobacco or e-cigarette industry (current, in the past, or have future plans) or their lobbyists, either professionally or on a personal basis, will NOT be permitted to attend the webinar in any capacity.


Regulating Novel and Emerging Nicotine and Tobacco Products: European Cancer Leagues’ Recommendations for Tobacco Control and Public Health